- Jeans /dʒiːnz/ (n)
- Tie /taɪ/ (n)
- Sandals /ˈsændlz/ (n)
- Jacket /ˈʤækɪt/ (n)
- dress /drɛs/ (n)
- scarf /skɑːf/ (n)
- windbreaker /ˈwɪndˌbreɪkə/ (n)
- skirt /skɜːt/ (n)
- hat /hæt/ (n)
- suit /sjuːt/ (n)
- Shorts /ʃɔːts/ (n)
- T-shirt /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ (n)
- Glasses /ˈglɑːsɪz/ (n)
- Pants /pænts/ (n)
- Shirt /ʃɜːt/ (n)
- Sneakers /ˈsniːkəz / (n)
- Blouse /blaʊz/ (n)
- Shoulder bag /ˈʃəʊldə bæg /
- Casual clothes /ˈkæʒjʊəl kləʊðz/ (n)
- Classic style /ˈklæsɪk staɪl/ (n)
- Hand-me-downs /ˈhænd.mɪˌdaʊn/ (n)
- Put on /pʊt ɒn/ (v)
- Take off /teɪk ɒf/ (v)
- Dress up /drɛs ʌp/ (v)
- Dress down /drɛs daʊn/ (v)
- Try on /traɪ ɒn/ (v)
- Zip up /zɪp ʌp/ (v)
- Bottom-up /ˈbɒtəm-ʌp/ (v)
- Hang out /hæŋ aʊt/ (v)
- Hang up /hæŋ ʌp/ (v)
- Go out of fashion /tuː gəʊ aʊt ɒv ˈfæʃən/ (v)
- Have a sense of style /tuː hæv ə sɛns ɒv staɪl/ (v)
- Have an eye for (fashion) /tuː hæv ən aɪ fɔː (ˈfæʃən)/ (v)
- Keep up with the latest fashion /tuː kiːp ʌp wɪð ðə ˈleɪtɪst ˈfæʃən/ (v)
- Mix and match /tuː mɪks ænd mæʧ/ (v)
- Take pride in someone’s appearance /tuː teɪk praɪd ɪn ˈsʌmwʌnz əˈpɪərəns/ (v)
- Fashionable /ˈfæʃ.ən.ə.bəl/ (adj)
- Off the peg /ˌɒf.ðəˈpeɡ/ (adj)
- Old fashioned /ˌəʊldˈfæʃ.ənd/ (adj)
- Timeless /ˈtaɪm.ləs/ (adj)
- to be on trend /tuː biː ɒn trɛnd/ (adj)
- Well-dressed /wɛl-drɛst/ (adj)
- Brand-name /ˈbrændˌneɪm/ (adj) (Brand name shirts)
- Comfortable /ˈkʌmf(ə)təbl/ (adj)
- Tight /taɪt/ (adj)
- Loose /luːs/ (adj)
- Adidas /aˈdi:d əs/ (n)
- Nike /ˈnaɪki/ (n)
- Hermes /ɛərˈmɛz/ (n)
- Louis Vuitton /ˈlu:i vəˈta:n/ (n)
1. Which one is David?
2. Who's Andy?
3. How are the pants, sir?
4. Do you like this blouse?
5. Are the sneakers comfortable?
6. Are those jeans all right?
7. How does the T-shirt fit?
8. How do you like sandals?
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