Saturday, 23 July 2022

SYM-6-How often do you exercise?

Too many people today don't move often enough. They stay stuck in a chair in the office at work. They use the elevator or escalator instead of taking the stairs, and they drive short, walkable distances. When they get home, they watch TV or play video games or read a newspaper. But their bodies do not move around. They get larger (not taller!) and their health deteriorates as they sit out their lives. That's why they really should make time to work out.

How often do you exercise? 

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Once a week
4. 2-3 times a week
5. Almost every day
6. Daily
7. Whenever I get the chance

Sample Answers

(A) I never go to the gym, but I get plenty of exercise. I walk to and from my job, since it is only a few blocks from my home. At work, there is a certain amount of lifting and carrying I have to do most days, and I watch what I eat. So I see no reason to exercise artificially.

(B) If I don‘t work up a good sweat at least once a day, I feel tired and lethargic all day. In addition to maintaining my weight and muscle tone, working out also clears my mind and increases my energy. So I am hardly ever sick, tired, or depressed. The hour or so I spend in the gym every day probably adds years to my life!

Speak your mind

1. What is the most popular exercise people engage in? Why?
2. Golf is relatively expensive, but the sport is booming. Can you explain why?
3 Do you know of any exercise that is easy and inexpensive, and that people will stay with for a long time?
4. What is the best exercise for young people?
5. What is the best exercise for the elderly?
6. What do you do for exercise?
7. People usually start exercising with a fire determination to continue, but many fail to persist. Do you know why?

Speak with your mind helpers

1. What is the most popular exercise people engage in? Why?
Young boys sure do liKe to play football! And this is rea||y good exercise. Because of all the running, it builds stamina and burns a lot of excess calories. It also helps develop age/icy and good co-ordination. No wonder it is so popular around the world.
Peop]e of all ages seem to enjoy hiking in the mountains. There is no competition in the activity, it is best accomplished in social groups, and being out in nature is an invigorating experience. Although some people spend a lot of money on “alpinist” costumes, all anyone really needs to participate is a good pair of walking shoes.

2. Golf is relatively expensive, but the sport is booming. Can you explain why?
The main reason is not the game itself, but the business that is conducted on the greens. It is easier for people to get to know each other well out on the links than it is in some stud, old, formal office. And because the game takes so long to play, there is no hurry-up schedule to contend with.
A go]fer I know told me that it's the only game he knows in which the competition is not against others but only against the player himself. It is a struggle between the person and the course. Every golfer has to make a decision about the best way to get his ball into the hole with as few strokes as possible, and also has to have the skill to match the strategy. The wind, the length of the grass, the slope of the hill, and a momentary lack of focus can all affect the score, every time.

3. Do you know of any exercise that is easy and inexpensive, and that people will stay with for a long time?
Doctors say swimming is the perfect exercise. Not only does it stretch the muscles and burn off fat, but it also develops co-ordination and good breathing. No particular strength is required, since the body tends to float, but it results in shape/y calves and broad shoulders. What could be better?
Waking is the best regular exercise people can engage in. Running may cause serious bad effects over time, such as knee, joint, and back problems, but walking is not a hard-impact activity. It is something we can all do from infancy until old age. Weather is hardly an inhibiting factor at all, and we can walk any time of the day. In the course of taking a walk, we can usually encounter a lot of people in the neighborhood and develop familiarity with them. And, it's free!

4. What is the best exercise for young people?
Any multi-skill sport is great. Basketball, football, tennis- these all require a lot of running, plus the physical manipulation of some ball. Playing any of these sports needs strength, quietness, endurance, and co-ordination, so young people can develop many aspects of their physical well-being and have fun at the same time.
Don't get me wrong! I'm not opposed to athletics at all; they serve a very useful purpose. But young people need to develop their minds as well as their bodies. For every hour they spend chasing after some ball, they should spend an equal amount of time building the gray matter between their ears.

5. What is the best exercise for the elderly?
Old people can play any sport that they played as youngsters. They may not be as fast or as strong as they once were, but if they have stayed active all their lives this should not lose any serious problems. However, the worst mistake they can make is to suddenly begin some high-intensity program after many years of inactivity. Then, the lungs are weak, the muscles are underdeveloped, and the heart is in danger of over- exertion. However, under the advice of a doctor, any old person can slowly and patiently develop his body parts and soon be ready to enjoy the athletic life again.
Exercise for old people should be continuous, not strenuous. Things that allow their to stretch are better than things that force them to run or lift. Golf is good; so are walking and swimming. But a very good additional activity is riding a bicycle! Of course, they need to be extra careful about wearing knee and elbow-pads and helmets, since their bones are br/tt/e, but otherwise riding should be great fun and do them great good.

6. What do you do for exercise?
Every week, I play an active game of basketball with my friends. This has kept me in great shape for many years and has also maintained my competitive spirit. I hate to lose a game, but even more than that I hate to miss a shot or to have someone block my pass or steal the ball from me. Sometimes I lose my temper, but mostly this just spurs me to try harder. Then, when the game is over, we can all relax together and rebuild the friendships that our eager competition had endangered out on the court.
I never exercise. I think it is a boring waste of time. I used to go to the gym at least three days a week to run, but after a few months I didn‘t feel or look any better, so I stopped. I stay normally busy and active, and I‘m in pretty good health, so I don't see the need to sweat myself up for no reason.

7. People usually start exercising with a firm determination to continue, but many fail to persis Do you know why?'

M: Let’s go to the gym.

F: Oh, you go! I'm tired.

M: Tired? From doing what?

F: Mainly, I'm just tired of the same routine. We go to the gym every week, and it's getting boring. It's the same old schedule every time.

M: Oh, you're just disappointed that you aren't making progress anymore.

F:  That's part of it, I guess. At first, I could see results. My waistline went down, I lost a lot of weight, and my scores improved. But I think I've reached the limit of my ability.

M: If you stop, you'll just get fat again! You should exercise to maintain the gains you made, even if you don't continue to make more.

F: I've thought of that, but maybe if I just watch my diet that won't happen. If it does, 1 can always start exercising again later. But right now, I'm just not up for it. The thought just bores me to tears.

M: Won't you miss the new friends you've met?

F: Not really. We don't have anything in common except sweat, and I have lots of other friends 1 can get together with to do things I enjoy more.

M: OK, I'll go by myself, then. Don't say you weren't invited!

F: I won't! Have fun. But make sure you shower well before you come home, so you don't stink the place up!

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