Every problem can be solved, or at least alleviated, by thinking It through and then applying an appropriate remedy. Of course, we of so need to realize what result we hope to accomplish, or we will solve one problem only to have to deal with another instead.
- GS7
- 1. Are you busy?
- 2. Are you happy?
- 3. When you have a cold
- 4. What are you worried about?
- 5. Cell phone taboos
- 6. How often do you exercise?
- 7. Household chores
- 8. Do you get along well with your parents?
- 9. Fast food
- 10. What's on your mind now?
- 11. Everyday lies
- 12. Distractions at the wheel
- 13. Do you like to eat out?
- 14. Who is the real you?
- 15. Personal habits
- 16. Dieting
- 17. What did your forget?
- 18. Do you want to be a millionaire?
- 19. Do you like your job?
- 20. How would you respond?
- 21. Vacation season is approaching
- 22. Kids
- 23. Traffic accidents
- 24. How to get promoted
- 25. Pet-people
- 26. Are you willing to help others?
- 27. TV commercials
- 28. Cosmetic surgery
- 29. Househusband
- 30. Are relatives important to you?
- 31. Who has the most stressful job?
- 32. Women are becoming more powerful
- 33. Teens who smoke and drink
- 34. Poverty
- 35. Internet
- 36. The quality for your lives
- 37. Shoping on the web
- 38. Socially discriminated against
- 39. People are getting sick
- 40. Are they true?
- Starter
- 1. This is your doll
- 2. That is his ruler
- 3. Let's find Mom
- Review 1
- 4. I like monkeys
- 5. Do you like yogurt?
- 6. I have a new friend
- Review 2
- 7. I'm wearing a blue skirt
- 8. I'm dancing with Dad
- 9. He can run
- Review 3
- 10. May I take a photo
- 11. There is a doll on the rug
- 12. Those are our computers
- Review 4
- G1-1-Numbers from 0 to 10
- G1-2-Basic geometry
- G1-3-Comparing numbers within 10
- G1-4-Addition within 10
- G1-5-Subtraction within 10
- G1-6-Number up to 20
- G2-1-Numbers from 0 to 99
- G2-2-Addition within 100
- G2-3-Geometry
- G2-4-Subtraction within 100
- G2-5-Time and days
- G2-6-Multiplication within 50
- G2-7-Division within 50
- G3-1-Three-digit numbers
- G3-2-Time, multiplication and division to 100
- G3-3-Multiplication and division to 1000
- G3-4-Geometry and measurement
- G3-5-Perimeter and area
- G3-6-Numbers from 1000 to 100 000
- G3-7-Roman numerals, money and data handling
- G4-1-
- G4-2-
- G4-3-
- G4-4-
- G4-5-
- G4-6-
- G4-7-
- G4-8-
- G5-1-
- G5-2-
- G5-3-
- G5-4-
- G5-5-
- G5-6-
- G5-7-
- G5-8-
- Overall
- G1-1-Our bodies
- G1-2-Caring for our bodies
- G1-3-Things around us
- G1-4-Needs of plants
- G1-5-Earth and sky
- G1-6-Weather and seasons
- G2-1-Moving
- G2-2-Eating
- G2-3-Plants
- G2-4-Animals
- G2-5-Earth and sky
- G2-6-Weather and seasons
- G3-1-
- G3-2-
- G3-3-
- G3-4-
- G3-5-
- G3-6-
- G3-7-
- G3-8-
- G4-1-
- G4-2-
- G4-3-
- G4-4-
- G4-5-
- G4-6-
- G4-7-
- G4-8-
- G5-1-
- G5-2-
- G5-3-
- G5-4-
- G5-5-
- G5-6-
- G5-7-
- G5-8-
- TM
- 07
- 08
- 09
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 25
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 32
- 33
- 34
Thursday, 28 July 2022
SYM-20-How would you respond?
SYM-19-Do you like your job?
What is the most important aspect about your job?
(1) Salary
(2) Job satisfaction
(3) Job security
(4) Fringe benefits
(5) Working hours
(6) Promotions
(7) Location
(8) Travel
(9) My boss
(10) My colleague
Sample answers
SYM-18-Do you want to be a millionaire?
Why would anyone want to be a millionaire? I want to be a billionaire! Having a million dollars is relatively common these days. There are well over a million millionaires just in the Unites States alone. To be really rich, one needs at least a cool billion. That seems like a lot of money, I know; and some people would say that no one needs that much, that this kind of wealth just perpetuates poverty in general. But from my perspective, poor people will always be poor no matter how much money I have, so I might as well make as much as I can and let them worry about themselves.
What is your own approach to get rich?
(1) Continue to save up
(2) Start my own business
(3) Inherit a fortune
(4) Win o lottery
(5) Marry a rich person
(6) Get a good education that will lead to a good job
Sample answers
(A) I want to run my own business. I‘m sure that I could do very well developing software solutions for the general public. I already know a lot about the subject, and the start-up costs are pretty low. And I think that earning money through one's own talent and hard work provides much more satisfaction in life than just having someone else give you a salary or having a rich parent or spouse.
(B) Saving money is simply a matter of habit, just like spending it. Years ago, I decided to set aside five percent of my salary every time, no matter how little that was. I would spend the rest of it, wisely or foolishly, as I saw fit, but that five percent would always be my payment to myself, to squirrel way for future use. In a short while, I never even thought about the five percent, and I never missed it; to all practical purposes, from week to week it just never existed: if I didn't have it, I certainly couldn't spend it. But now this small figure has grown into quite a fortune, and I know that I never have to worry about my finances again, even if I lose my job.
SYM-17-What did you forget?
Some people naturally have poor memories, but almost everybody becomes more forgetful as he gets older. People may try to slow this phenomenon by doing mental exercises such as reading and writing, but the process nevertheless continues. Some folks lose their ability to recall names, others can’t remember where they parked their car. In extreme cases, they no longer recognize friends or loved ones.
What do you forget most often?
(1) I forget where I parked.
(2) I’m not sure if I locked the door when I left.
(3) I need a shopping list to remember what I need to buy
(4) I forget appointments.
(5) I forget special days like birthdays and anniversaries.
(6) Sometimes I lock the car with the keys inside
(7) I forget secret numbers and passwords all the time
Sample answers
(A) When I got old, I sometimes forgot to zip my pants back up after I urinated. But now that I'm older, I forget to unzip before I urinate. Do you think I have a memory problem?
(B) Yesterday was a horribly hectic day for me. I had an important appointment that I almost forgot about. Fortunately, at the last minute, the person I was supposed to meet called to confirm it, so I left my office in plenty of time to get there. Unfortunately, I was confused about the meeting place and went to the wrong location. After waiting a long time for the man to show up, I was ready to leave in disgust and anger, but he called me again and then I realized I was in the wrong place. Very gracious/y, he forgave me for my mistake, and I rushed off to the correct spot. I thought I knew a shortcut, but I was wrong and it took quite a bit longer to get there. Fortunately, he was still waiting for me when I arrived. Unfortunately, I forgot what we were supposed to talk about at the meeting, so we had a friendly but rather bewildering chat and then went our separate ways. It was not until I got back to the office and loo ked in the folder I had left on my desk that I finally remembered the purpose. I immediately called him to set up another meeting, but it was too late, he had already made arrangements with some other firm. So my company lost an important contract. When it's time for my next promotion, I hope my boss will be able to forget about this incident.
Speak your mind
These days, most people associate the word “dieting” with losing weight. But the word actually has many shades of meaning. Some dieters want actually to gain weight, not lose it. Others need to adjust their food intake due to health reasons that have nothing directly to do with weight; they may be allergic to some foods or be deficient in some minerals or vitamins. So, diabetics will avoid some kinds of food, while cancer victims will forge themselves on others. In addition, some diets are prescribed by religious or social rules. And, of course, the most general definition of a diet is “that which is customarily eaten”
Why do many diets fail?
(1) Ordinary people don’t know enough about nutrition.
(2) Most people lack will power.
(3) People look for shortcuts (Such as starving themselves of following a fad diet) rather than make the necessary lifestyle changes.
(4) People are dependent on commercial diet medications.
Sample answers
SYM-15-Personal Habits
Isn’t it funny how one person’s foibles attract us to that person, while those same habits make other people obnoxious to us? Take my boyfriend, for instance. I usually can’t stand it when people talk too much, but I love the fact that he can spend hours on end keeping me entertained with his wonderful, funny stories
What is your sweetheart's worst habit or characteristic?
(1) Being a workaholic
(2) Smoking and/ or drinking
(3) Messy or unsanitary
(4) Being a spendthrift
(5) Having a useless or dangerous hobby
(6) Driving too fast and/or carelessly
(7) No sense of humor
(8) Habitually late
(9) Not exercising
(10) Eats too much junk food
(11) Being a tightwad
(12) Snoring
(13) Being a bookworm
(14) Selfish, self -centered
(15) Hot-tempered
(16) Other (explain)